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Wine Power List, the prominent personalities in the Italian Wine World for 2024

The Wine Power List has reached its ninth edition, continuing to celebrate and recognize the most influential figures in the Italian wine sector.

Published by Cronache di Gusto, the Wine Power List is now an annual event eagerly anticipated by all professionals in the field, as well as by wine lovers, and it also provides an indirect overview of the evolution and dynamics of the Italian wine market.

Through detailed analysis and well-defined criteria by Fabrizio Carrera and Emanuele Scarci, the 100 nominees have been selected not only for their achievements over the past year but also for their long-term impact on the sector.

The arrows next to the names symbolize changes in position from the previous year, offering an immediate indication of career trajectories, while the "Top of the Top" section highlights four personalities who have reached the pinnacle in past editions, further consolidating their prestige.anno raggiunto il vertice nelle edizioni passate, consolidando ulteriormente il loro prestigio.

Business Strategies with Silvana Ballotta is ranked 31st, signifying her growing impact on the Italian wine scene, up from 36th in 2023.

The list reveals key trends and strategic movements in the wine world at both national and European levels, showing a sector in continuous evolution.

This is evidenced by the new entry at the top spot, Herbert Dorfmann.

Dorfmann is a politician from the Südtiroler Volkspartei who has always followed the wine industry closely in Brussels.

As President of the Inter-Group, the commission that closely monitors issues related to the sector, he is very likely to lead the group of Italian politicians in the dynamics of the European Parliament, and the next five years will be crucial for the wine industry.

On one hand, there are external factors such as wars or inflation; on the other, political decisions regarding consumption and combating the damages caused by drought and climate change


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